The biggest of all possible changes is happening RIGHT NOW

The Rook & The Raven is Moving to Milan!


As a mixed-race family, we’ve made the incredibly difficult decision to leave the lands of our indigenous ancestors for the lands of our immigrant ancestors, and our family-run business is coming with us!

As you can probably imagine, moving both our home and our business is a pretty complex undertaking, and you’re going to notice a few changes around our website in the coming weeks and months. For example, we don’t plan to buy any more supplies or materials as we wind down production in America, so many of our existing products are going to go out-of-stock.  There’s also a chance that some of our products may change to better accommodate the new supplies and tools we have available to us in Europe.

This process has actually already started, and we are working like absolute fiends to try to get our new space up and running in time for the holiday season.

Please wish us luck, and if you’d like to follow us on our journey, we’ll be streaming and posting updates to our various socials (linked in the header and footer)!

Thank you for supporting our nerdy little shop <3

Amber & Déja — The Rook & The Raven